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The portfolio with the mostolio, you're already on it, it's web-ception. While the projects showcased here could, admittedly, still use a tad more polish (most were created in the span of either a few days or a couple weeks during the breakneck pace of Epicodus' accelerated-learning program), it is my intention that this portfolio demonstrates a few qualities of my work ethic, evolution, and style as a developer: a high aptitude for readily absorbing a wide range of tech concepts, languages, and tooling and then implementing them, the ability to handle fast deadlines and ship deliverables/MVPs, and a natural flair of creativity and innovation.

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Tech Specs

  • Next.js, React + Hooks
  • TypeScript
  • TailwindCSS
  • PostCSS + Autoprefixer plugin
  • Nodemailer + Custom Internal API
  • Form Validation
  • Dynamic Page Routing
  • Windups (Typewriter)
  • CI/CD Deployment & Hosting (Vercel)
  • Custom Domain Configuration (Google Domains)