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Exchangerator is a simple web app for converting any monetary value to another in over 50 different currencies. Each currency conversion requested by the user utilizes the ExchangeRate API to ensure currency conversions are always accurate and up-to-date. Additionally, after the first user request, all current conversion rates retrieved from the API are then set in session storage. The benefit here is twofold: from the perspective of the API provider, their server resources are taxed less because all user conversion requests result in only one call per session; and, from the perspective of the end-user, all subsequent conversion requests after the first are executed on the client-side and thus calculated more quickly on account of there being no time wasted fetching data from a server.

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Tech Specs

  • Vanilla JS/HTML/CSS
  • jQuery
  • Webpack
  • Postman
  • ExchangeRate API
  • Session Storage
  • Heroku Deployment